Stoneline İzmir Marble Fair 2020 Contest Of Stand Design

Social Responsibility and Sponsorships, University Students and Young Architects Support Programs

As Stoneline family, we aspired to organize a contest in which students from various disciplines work together to produce in the field of natural stone, an area which we have internationally served more than 20 years. The theme we have designated, was the design of the fair stand on which the Stoneline products would be exhibited. With this contest, we aimed to encourage the students of interior design and industrial product design, to think on natural stone and create innovate ideas.  

Our contest which we have designed for architecture, interior design and industrial product design students to create innovative and creative ideas about natural stone and marble, to make them familiar with natural a material which they will use in their desings, to empower succesfull and creative young designers by improving their perspective on the natural stone and to ensure the creation of original and contemporary design with contest spirit, has been completed. 

Attention given to the contest is the best evidence to prove that we have reached our goal. 149 students from 43 universities have participated to the contest. As a result of the evaluation conducted by the jury, in addition to the first three prizes, five projects have been awarded with Equivalent Mention Award. We have happily observed that, within the scope of the contest; students of architecture, interior design and industrial product desing have created creative and innovative ideas, have embraced the importance of working with young people from different profiles and relationship between the disciplines. Every type of building material in the world, has a shelf life. Natural stone however, is one of the building materials which have the longest shelf life, with correct application and preservation. We hope that, with this contest, we have been able to help young people to familiarize themselves with the natural stone which is one of the materials they will use in their future designs and to explore the value which this material coming from the nature can add to architecture and the possibilities it can provide. As an establishment, we have always emphasized on enouring the sucessfull and creative young designers.  

With this contest, we are proud that we we will able to help create a platform to further create original and contemporary designs. We would like to thank the esteemed lecturers of universities which always provided their help, participant students and Members of the Elective Council for their interest in this contest which we plan to annualize.