Stoneline Hosted the Students of the Architecture Department of Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University

Social Responsibility and Sponsorships

In order to contribute to the recognition of natural stone, Stoneline has provided its training for architectural and interior design for the students of Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University this time.

On the date of 05.03.2020, within the scope of the Architectural Design IV course, with the coordination of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Fırat Diker and Project Managers Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tolga Akbulut, Dr. Fac. Mem. Lana Kudumovic, Fac.  Mem. Kamil Gürbüz as well as Res. Mem. Emine Merve Okumuş and Res. Mem. Hayriye İsmailoğlu, and participation of 52 students, a tour has been organized in Stoneline Central Showroom.

A presentation regarding natural stone types, production and process of stone has been conducted by Kadir Akyıldırım, a Geological Engineer of Stoneline, afterwards, Architect Doğan Sancar who is the Project Manager of Stoneline, has transferred his knowledge and experience concerning the applications and details of natural stones in buildings, to students with his presentation.  

After the training, the tour is completed by examining the various types of natural stones of Turkey and imported products in the Showroom.