With the sponsorship of Stoneline, another legendary concert from Istanbul Music Festival which makes people respect the composer, , towards 2020 Beethoven year!
As Hans von Bülow once said, “The Well-Tempered Clavier is the “Old Testament” and Beethoven’s Sonatas are the “New Testament””. We need to believe in both of them”. In this concert, Piotr Anderszewski, while presenting a program special to himself, requiring a great deal of virtuosity, also brings Bach’s Prelude and Fugues together with not the Sonatas or Beethoven, but his Diabelli Variations. Additionally, he plays Schumann’s piece inspired by Bach’s Preludes.
Piotr Anderszewski’s history with “Diabelli Variations” can be traced back to 1990 Leeds Piano Contest. Teldec company has made a swift album offer to Anderszewski who gathered all the attentions with this piece he played in semi-finals. Young pianist in his early 20’s who refused that offer, when he received the same offer from Virgin Classics many years later, has accepted it, thinking that his knowledge regarding the work of Beethoven is more profound. Whereas Anderszewski’s “Diabelli Variations” awarded with Choc du Monde de la Musique and ECHO Classic, is accepted as the best for a certian period, critics evaluate his concert performance as the best performance they have heard until today. Artist himself however, likenes this magnificent work to a journey and invites all the music enthusiast to this journey at the end of which they will be transformed. He describes Diabelli Variations as “a complete universe consisting of all the memories of the person, though it was a small cell at the beginning.”
For detailed information https://muzik.iksv.org/i/assets/muzik/document/piotr-anderszewski-2019-gp.pdf