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There are two important criteria when selecting stones for our collection: research and communication.

The first step in research stage is to identify preferences of each country in respect of color, finish, patterns and consumer behaviors.

At this stage, we gather information by carefully scanning websites, social media platforms, and magazines and sectoral reports of design, architecture and decoration in each country. The research results are analyzed after all information from regular customer visits and meetings is combined. The colors, surface shapes and patterns that are identified as a result of such work are then compared with the selections in our natural stone quarries. Finally, we contact the eligible quarries and acquire relevant stones to our collection.

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We know very well how tiny details make huge differences in projects and it’s our objective to present the best state of stone to all of our customers. For this reason, slab quality control starts with placing the block on the gangsaw.

We carefully monitor all actions from cutting the block to turn it into a slab to make sure that slabs enter the quality control process at their best shape.

The size, thickness, pattern, surface finish, smoothness and many other criteria are checked during quality control which is followed by filling the quality control form. Then we take photos of each slab. In case of stones with frequent pattern variations, we support photos with videos. Then, all photos and videos are shared with the customer. The purpose here is to reflect the status of slabs to the customer – whether a distributor or a project owner. In this way, customers are assured whether slabs will fit to the project and the collection or not.

The slabs that pass quality control (inspection) successfully and approved by the customer are then bundled and dispatched. During loading of the bundles, all actions are again recorded with photos and reported to the customer.

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The first step of presenting the best shape of a stone to our customers is the selection of block. And the most important part of block selection is to have customer’s perspective. Looking at the stone from the perspective of the customer requires efficient interaction with customers. Customer visits and meetings, customer’s website and social media posts give nice clues about the expectations of the customer. We select blocks based on such data by considering certain criteria such as the structure, color, pattern and machinability of the block – all determined by our expert engineer – and then take photos of the block from various angles and share them with the sales team and production manager. Sales team share their thoughts with the customer about the eligibility of the stone for the project while production manager offers his ideas about the final shape of the stone following production. Block is purchased and dispatched to the factory only after all these elements are agreed upon between the parties.

All actions are taken in order to meet and even go beyond customer expectations as we do in all other processes under the umbrella of Stoneline when selecting blocks. As a result, the customer buys a product that is specially selected and produced.

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Properties of Natural Stone

Natural stones are not an industrial product as their names suggest, but a uniquely ORIGINAL product that has been shaped in nature over billions of years, is an inseparable part of it and contains all the mystery of nature. Therefore, it is at peace with nature during and after its use. It is “ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY” with its common expression.

Natural stones are a DURABLE and STRONG material that will satisfy all kinds of functionality and fine taste with the right stone selection and right applications. Thanks to its superior physical properties, its LIFE is UNLIMITED.

It is a material with superior and unique qualities that CANNOT BE IMITATED and cannot be found in any industrial material. With these features, it has become a unique tool that carries messages from the past to the future. Ancient cities, monuments, sculptures… When evaluated from this point of view, natural stones bear the VALUE OF DOCUMENTARY QUALITY by witnessing the development of the world and therefore humanity.

IT IS EASY TO PROVIDE. Countries and regions have local natural stones. Natural stone is almost ready in nature to be used as a building material. The local stones used in the architecture and the details of the combination of this material form the design language and determine the LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER OF the region where it is built.

Natural stones DO NOT LOSE ITS BEAUTY AS OLD, they can be restored or simply regain their former beauty after proper cleaning.

It has become the indicator of both beauty, magnificence and elegance with its SHAPABLE STRUCTURE in all areas of use, from monumental works and historical buildings to today’s residences and works of art.

Natural stone has countless visual and physical VARIETIES depending on the purpose of use and design, and DIFFERENT TEXTURES can be obtained with the surface treatments applied on it.

 It can be used in three dimensions to provide a SHADOW-LIGHT EFFECT.

Natural stone is much more ECONOMIC than artificial materials when evaluated in terms of Cost – Life. The costs required for cleaning and protection are equally low.

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Cleaning and Maintenance of Marble Surfaces

You can preserve the beauty of the marble surfaces you use in your living spaces for many years by paying attention to the issues we have compiled for you below.

If you buy your table, coffee table and counter style marble products directly from the manufacturer, request surface protection before they come to you. When this process is done with the right material and the right application, it will provide protection against stains on marble surfaces. We recommend repeating the application every one or two years, depending on usage. When cleaning, use soft-textured materials such as micro-fibers instead of hard-textured materials. Instead of cleaning materials containing chemicals, choose neutral cleaners pH7, diluted soap bar and lukewarm water. Dry the surface with a soft cloth after cleaning. Do not try products from other materials (tiles, ceramics, etc.) to solve a problem on the surface. If possible, seek advice from your manufacturer.