{"id":31658,"date":"2021-06-30T06:26:28","date_gmt":"2021-06-30T06:26:28","guid":{"rendered":"https://stoneline.com.tr/es/?p=31658"},"modified":"2021-06-30T06:26:30","modified_gmt":"2021-06-30T06:26:30","slug":"how-do-we-select-blocks","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https://stoneline.com.tr/es/how-do-we-select-blocks/","title":{"rendered":"HOW DO WE SELECT BLOCKS?"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

The first step of presenting the best shape of a stone to our customers is the selection of block. And the most important part of block selection is to have customer’s perspective. Looking at the stone from the perspective of the customer requires efficient interaction with customers. Customer visits and meetings, customer’s website and social media posts give nice clues about the expectations of the customer. We select blocks based on such data by considering certain criteria such as the structure, color, pattern and machinability of the block – all determined by our expert engineer – and then take photos of the block from various angles and share them with the sales team and production manager. Sales team share their thoughts with the customer about the eligibility of the stone for the project while production manager offers his ideas about the final shape of the stone following production. Block is purchased and dispatched to the factory only after all these elements are agreed upon between the parties.


All actions are taken in order to meet and even go beyond customer expectations as we do in all other processes under the umbrella of Stoneline when selecting blocks. As a result, the customer buys a product that is specially selected and produced.


The first step of presenting the best shape of a stone to our customers is the selection of block. And the most important part of block selection is to have customer’s perspective. Looking at the stone from the perspective of the customer requires efficient interaction with customers. Customer visits and meetings, customer’s website and socialRead more ⟶
