{"id":11399,"date":"2020-09-05T14:32:00","date_gmt":"2020-09-05T14:32:00","guid":{"rendered":"https://stoneline.com.tr/ar/?p=11399"},"modified":"2021-04-26T14:33:34","modified_gmt":"2021-04-26T14:33:34","slug":"pastorale-alla-turca","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https://stoneline.com.tr/ar/pastorale-alla-turca/","title":{"rendered":"“Pastorale Alla Turca”"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

48th Istanbul Music Festival organized by Istanbul Culture and Art Foundation (IKSV) and proudly supported by us, Stoneline, is preparing to Invite all the music enthusiast around Turkey to get together between the dates of September 18th – October 5th, 2020 on digital platforms, because of COVID-19 pandemic. 


“Pastorale Alla Turca” concert to which we are a show sponsor, will be streamed in September 27th, Sunday, at 20:00. 


Even though we deeply wish that we were together in a concert hall, resulting from the measurements and conditions of this unusual period, it is required that we need to experience the unique taste of music online this year.  


We would like to thank Istanbul Culture Arts Foundation (IKSV) who continous to contribute to the field of culture and arts with new and creative solutions in such a period and wish you a great experience.




Beethoven, tells the coherent relationship between the humanity and nature in  His 6th Symphony, Pastoral. Beethoven Pastoral Project which is conducted within the scope of BTHVN2020 centered around the celebrations of Beethoven’s 250th birthday, calls for the artists all around to world develop their owns perspective into this relationship in our current day where nature is threatened and humanity consumes its environment and resources fastly. Turgay Erdener’s new composition ordered by Istanbul Music Festival, heeds this call which becomes especially imporant in this period where we undure though times as humanity. Artist creates a brand new composition where instruments from our country and from classical western music come together, by harmonising the works of the Ottoman composers lived at the same time with Beethoven, with Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony.


Derya Turkan and Yurdal Tokcan who are considered amongst the leading virtuosos, not just in Turkey, ut also internationallity with their abilities regarding the Turkish instruments, they are also wanted guests in international projects and festivals. Serkan Mesut Halili successfull representer of the young generation, lives a carrier streching from Berlin Konzerthaus to Sydney Opera. Just like percussionist Aykut Köselerli who performed in various orchestras around the world, as well as in Turkey, contrabass player Kağan Yıldız also performs in concerts around the world with various musicians. Semplice Quartet awarded with Donizetti Classical Music Awards, proves that it is a long lasting and diferent musical community with its both nationally and internationally succesfull concerts since 2009, its wide repertoir streching from Baroque to today and its projects interacting with various disciplines of art.
For detailed information https://muzik.iksv.org/tr/kirksekizinci-istanbul-muzik-festivali/pastorale-alla-turca


48th Istanbul Music Festival organized by Istanbul Culture and Art Foundation (IKSV) and proudly supported by us, Stoneline, is preparing to Invite all the music enthusiast around Turkey to get together between the dates of September 18th – October 5th, 2020 on digital platforms, because of COVID-19 pandemic.
